Using Secure Virtual Assist | 119
Polling feedback window
Feedback from the poll is returned to the poll initiator when answers are submitted and when
the End Polling button is clicked. The collected feedback is displayed as shown below. Click
the green bar to display detailed information for each answer.
Using a White Board
The Host can share a white board with Participants. Text, objects, and highlighting, which can
be customized, are added to the white board using the toolbar at the top of the white board.
The white board contains the following tools:
Select tool is a pointer used to point to objects on the white board. The user cannot add
anything on the white board until another tool is selected.
Pen tool is used to draw a freehand shape. The pen’s color (default black) and line width
(1-100pt, default 8pt) are configurable with the Customization tools.
Highlighter tool is another kind of pen used to draw a transparent freehand shape. The
highlighter width (1-100pt, default 16pt) and transparency saturation (1-100, default 50) is
configurable with the Customization tools. The transparency saturation is adjusted by
Line tool draws a straight line. The line color (default black) and weight (1-100pt, default
10pt) are configurable with the Customization tools.