DES-3500 Layer 2 Fast Ethernet Switch CLI Reference Manual
config lldp message_tx_interval
Purpose Used to change the packet transmission interval.
config lldp message_tx_interval <sec 5 - 32768 >
Description This interval controls how often active ports retransmit advertisements to
their neighbors.
message_tx_interval - Changes the interval between consecutive
transmissions of LLDP advertisements on any given port. The range is
from 5 to 32768 seconds. The default setting is 30 seconds.
Restrictions Only Administrator or Operator – level users can issue this command.
Example usage:
To change the packet transmission interval:
DES-3526:admin#config lldp message_tx_interval 30
Command: config lldp message_tx_interval 30
config lldp message_tx_hold_multiplier
Purpose This command is used to configure the message hold multiplier.
config lldp message_tx_hold_multiplier < int 2 - 10 >
Description This parameter is a multiplier on the msgTxInterval that is used to
compute the TTL value of txTTL in an LLDPDU. TheTTL will be carried in
the LLDPDU packet. The lifetime will be the minimum of 65535 and
(message_tx_interval * message_tx_hold_multiplier). At the partner
switch, when the tme-to-Live for a given advertisement expires, the
advertised data is deleted from the neighbor switch’s MIB.
message_tx_hold_multiplier - The range is from 2 to 10. The default
setting 4.
Restrictions Only Administrator or Operator – level users can issue this command.
Example usage:
To change the multiplier value:
DES-3526:admin#config lldp message_tx_hold_multiplier 3
Command: config lldp message_tx_hold_multiplier 3