
DES-3550 Fast Ethernet Layer 2 Switch
Figure 6- 1. Switch Information (Basic Settings) window
The Switch Information window shows the Switch's MAC Address (assigned by the factory and unchangeable), the
Boot PROM, Firmware Version, and Hardware Version. This information is helpful to keep track of PROM and
firmware updates and to obtain the Switch's MAC address for entry into another network device's address table, if
necessary. The user may also enter a System Name, System Location and System Contact to aid in defining the Switch,
to the user's preference.
IP Address
The IP Address may initially be set using the console interface prior to connecting to it through the Ethernet. If the Switch
IP address has not yet been changed, read the introduction of the DES-3550 Command Line Interface Manual or return to
Section 4 of this manual for more information.
To change IP settings using the web manager you must access the IP Address menu located in the Configuration folder.
To configure the Switch's IP address:
Open the Configuration folder and click the IP Address menu link. The web manager will display the Switch's current IP
settings in the IP configuration menu, as seen below.
Figure 6- 2. IP Address Settings window
To manually assign the Switch's IP address, subnet mask, and default gateway address:
1. Select Manual from the Get IP From drop-down menu.
2. Enter the appropriate IP Address and Subnet Mask.