
DGS-3700-12/DGS-3700-12G Series Layer 2 Gigabit Ethernet Switch User Manual
From Port / To Port
Select a port or range of ports to set for IP-MAC Binding.
Use the pull-down menu to Enable or Disable these ports for IP-MAC Binding.
Enabled StrictThis mode provides a stricter method of control. If the user selects this mode,
all packets will be sent to the CPU, thus all packets will not be forwarded by the hardware until
the S/W learns the entries for the ports. The port will check ARP packets and IP packets by IP-
MAC-Port Binding entries. When the packet is found by the entry, the MAC address will be set
to dynamic state. If the packet is not found by the entry, the MAC address will be set to block.
Other packets will be dropped. The default mode is strict if not specified. The ports with strict
mode will capture unicast DHCP packets through the ACL module. If configuring IP-MAC
binding port enable in strict mode when IP-MAC binding DHCP_snoop is enabled, it will create
an ACL profile and the rules according to the ports. If there is not enough profile or rule space
for ACL profile or rule table, it will return a warning message and will not create ACL profile
and rules to capture unicast DHCP packets.
Enabled LooseThis mode provides a looser way of control. If the user selects loose mode,
ARP packets and IP Broadcast packets will be sent to the CPU. The packets will still be
forwarded by the hardware until a specific source MAC address is blocked by the software.
The port will check ARP packets and IP Broadcast packets by IP-MAC-PORT Binding entries.
When the packet is found by the entry, the MAC address will be set to dynamic state. If the
packet is not found by the entry, the MAC address will be set to block. Other packets will be
Allow Zero IP
Use the pull-down menu to enable or disable this feature. Allow zero IP configures the state
which allows ARP packets with source IP to bypass.
Forward DHCP
By default, the DHCP packet with broadcast DA will be flooded. When set to disable, the
broadcast DHCP packet received by the specified port will not be forwarded. This setting is
effective when DHCP snooping is enabled, under the case that DHCP packet which has been
trapped by the CPU needs to be forwarded by the software. This setting controls the
forwarding behavior in this situation.
Max Entry (1-50)
Specifies the maximum number of IP-MAC-Port Binding entries. By default, per port max entry
is 5.
Click Apply to implement changes.