
DGS-3700-12/DGS-3700-12G Series Layer 2 Gigabit Ethernet Switch User Manual
Figure 2 - 70 Input password window
Property To pop up a window to display the device information, as shown below.
Menu Bar
The Single IP Management window contains a menu bar for device configurations, as seen below.
Figure 2 - 71 Menu Bar of the Topology View
The five menus on the menu bar are as follows.
Print SetupWill view the image to be printed.
Print TopologyWill print the topology map.
Preference Will set display properties, such as polling interval, and the views to open at SIM startup.
Add to group Add a candidate to a group. Clicking this option will reveal the following dialog for the user to enter a
password for authentication from the Candidate Switch before being added to the SIM group. Click OK to enter the
password or Cancel to exit the window.
Figure 2 - 72 Input password window
Remove from GroupRemove an MS from the group.
Configure Will open the web manager for the specific device.
Refresh Update the views with the latest status.
Topology Display the Topology view.
About Will display the SIM information, including the current SIM version.