D-Link DHS-3224V Switch User’s Guide
• Default Gateway IP address that determines where frames with a destination outside the current IP
subnet should be sent. This is usually the address of a router or a host acting as an IP gateway. If your
network is not part of an inter-network, or you do not want the Switch to be accessible outside your
local network, you can leave this field unchanged.
• Management VID Allows a management VLAN ID (VID) number to be set to allow management
from a host within that VLAN to use either TELNET or the Web-based network manager. The default
VID is 1 which includes the entire network until VLANs are configured.
Highlight APPLY and press Enter to make the change effective.
Management Station IP Settings
The Switch allows you to select up to three management stations used to manage the Switch. If you choose to
define one or more designated management stations, only the chosen stations, as defined by IP address, will be
allowed management access through the web manager or Telnet session. To define a management station IP
setting, type in the IP address in the area provided, highlight APPLY and press Enter.
Setting Trap Receivers
The Setup Trap Receivers feature allows the switch to send traps (messages about errors, etc.) to management
stations on the network. Highlight Setup Trap Receivers in the Remote Management Setup screen and press
Enter. The trap recipients can be setup from the following screen:
Figure 6- 16. Setup Trap Recipients Menu
Fields that can be set in the Setup Trap Recipients menu include:
• IP Address The IP address of a management station (usually a computer) that is configured to receive
the SNMP traps from the switch.
• SNMP Community String Similar to a password in that stations that do not know the correct string
cannot receive or request SNMP information from the switch.
• Status Toggle between <Enabled> and <Disabled> to enable or disable the receipt of SNMP traps by
the listed management stations.
Highlight APPLY and press Enter to make the change effective.