
If the navigation appears to be unstable or erratic, check the satellite acquisition signal
strength received by the GPS antenna. You can also reset the GPS receiver by going into the
‘GPS’ menu from the main menu screen and pressing ‘RESET’.
Touch the ‘GPS’ icon on the main menu screen. Once in the GPS diagnostic screen, ‘State’
displays the overall performance of the GPS antenna in terms of acquiring satellite signals.
V indicates failure, and 2D/3D indicates the performance is satisfactory for navigating.
‘Satellite’ indicates which satellite signals are being acquired from all that are available. PDOP
(Positional Dilution of Precision), HDOP (Horizontal Dilution of Precision), and VDOP (Vertical
Dilution of Precision) indicate the accuracy of the acquired signal. At the bottom, cells with
unique numbers represent the satellites, and graphic bars show the current detailed status in
obtaining a signal from each satellite. Press the NavAtlas button to return to the main menu.
The XNAV3500P brightness is set to a default setting of high. You may select another level by
using any of three available brightness settings.
Touch the ‘BRIGHTNESS’ icon on the main menu screen. Three icons will appear, each
indicating a different level of brightness. The one at the left provides the darkest LCD, the
middle gives a moderately lit LCD, and the right produces the brightest LCD screen. Tap the
desired level to change the brightness. Touch the ‘OK’ button to exit, or undo the change by
tapping ‘Cancel ’.
IMPORTANT NOTE: The brightness setting defaults to high every time the unit is plugged
directly into 12VDC.