
Entering an Address
1. In the DESTINATION screen, tap Address. The ADDRESS screen appears.
2. Enter the name of the destination city into the
City/ZIP entry field. For cities in the United
States you may also enter the Zip code. Press Ok to confirm.
3. Enter the destination street into the
Street entry field. Press Ok to confirm.
4. Enter a house number into the House number field at the right hand side of the street if
possible. Note: You do not need to enter a street suffix, or a street type to get a search
result. For example, if you are looking for a street called “S Main Avenue”, simply type in
“MAIN”. If the house numbers of the selected street are stored in the database, you may
tap the field next to the Street field. If the house numbers are not stored in the database,
the necessary field will be deactivated, and the software will navigate to the selected
street. Press Ok to confirm.
5. Enter the name of a crossroad into the Intersection entry field if you want to define an
intersection as a destination point (e.g., because the house number is not available).
Enter the name of a crossroad into the Intersection entry field. Press Ok to confirm.
Selecting a Point of Interest
Points of Interest – also referred to as POIs – are stored in the database of places and may
be displayed on the map. Ports, airports, restaurants, hotels, gas stations, public buildings
and others are considered Points of Interest. They may be selected as destinations for
navigation purposes.
Point of Interest - Nearby Position
Important Note: You may only select points of interest nearby position when the GPS signal
strength is sufficient.
1. On the DESTINATION screen, tap Nearby position. The POI NEARBY screen appears.