IPMI Controller: IPMI Message Protocol
752i User’s Manual 10006024-04
IPMI Device SDR Repository
The Zircon PM implements a Device SDR Repository that contains Sensor Data Records for
the Zircon PM, the FRU device, and each sensor. A system management controller may use
the Get Device SDR command to read the repository and dynamically discover the capabili-
ties of the board. Please refer to the IPMI specification (listed in
Table 1-2) for more informa-
tion on using Sensor Data Records and the Device SDR Repository.
IPMI Event Messages
Under certain circumstances, some sensors connected to the Zircon PM can generate Event
Messages for the system management controller, as described below in
Table 11-16.
Table 11-16: IPMI Event Messages Generating Sensors
To enable these messages, the system management controller must send a Set Event
Receiver command to the Zircon PM, along with the address of the Event Receiver.
Table 11-
shows the format of an Event Message.
Table 11-17: Event Message Format
Sensor Name:
ProcProgress 0x0F 0x6F 0x70 Yes
ProcWatchdog 0x23 0x6F 0x50 Yes
OutflowTemp 0x01 0x01 0x60 Yes
InflowTemp 0x01 0x01 0x61 Yes
+5.0V 0x02 0x01 0x46 Yes
+3.3V 0x02 0x01 0x45 Yes
+2.5V 0x02 0x01 0x44 No
+1.8V 0x02 0x01 0x43 No
PPC750GL 0x02 0x01 0x42 No
PMC+3.3V 0x02 0x01 0x41 No
Field: Description:
0 RsSA Responder’s Slave Address (Address of Event Receiver)
1 NetFn/RsLUN Net Function Code (0x04) in upper 6 bits; Responder’s LUN in lower
2 bits
2 Chk1 Checksum #1
3 RqSA Requester’s Slave Address (Address of our board on IPMB)
4 RqSeq/RqLUN Request Sequence number in upper 6 bits; Requester’s LUN in low
2 bits
5 Cmd Command (Always 0x02 for event message)
6 EvMRev Event Message Revision (0x04 for IPMI 1.5)