Monitor: Monitor Recovery and Updates
10006024-04 Katana®752i User’s Manual
Note: The monitor provides VxWorks 6.0 support for Error Data and Reporting (EDNR). This feature allocates a per-
sistent area of memory that retains its contents after a systerm soft reset. Any information stored in the 32-
megabyte window starting at 0x1E000000 should stil be available after a soft resset.
This section describes how to recover and/or update the monitor, given one or more of the
following conditions:
• If there is no console output, the monitor may be corrupted and need recovering.
• If the monitor still functions, but is not operating properly, then you may need to reset
the environment variables.
Recovering the Monitor
First, make sure that a monitor ROM device is installed in the PLCC socket. Then, place a
jumper on JP2, across pins 1 and 2 (see
Fig. 2-4).
1 Issue the following command, where serial# is the four digit serial number, 683-xxxx:
[Katana 752i (1.0)] => moninit serial#
2 Reset the monitor:
[Katana 752i (1.0)] => reset
3 Reset the environment parameters:
[Katana 752i (1.0)] => envinit serial#
4 Power down the board and remove the jumper from JP2, pins 1 and 2.
Updating the Monitor via TFTP
To update the monitor, follow the steps below and insert the appropriate data in the itali-
cized fields.
1 If necessary, edit your network settings:
[Katana 752i (1.0)] => setenv ipaddr
[Katana 752i (1.0)] => setenv gatewayip
[Katana 752i (1.0)] => setenv netmask
[Katana 752i (1.0)] => setenv serverip
Optionally, save your settings:
[Katana 752i (1.0)] => saveenv
2 TFTP the new monitor (binary) image to memory location 0x100000:
[Katana 752i (1.0)] =>
tftpboot 100000 path/on/tftp/server/to/monitor.bin