SAG581126000 System Application Guide
Issue AD, November 23, 2009 Spec. No. 581126000 (Model 700
Page 102 of 123
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(E) High Voltage Alarm 2: Adjustable from 24.00 to 29.50 volts DC. Factory set as
follows, unless otherwise specified.
Power System List No. 10 11 12 13
MCA Configuration No. 534876 534877 534878 534879
Factory Setting (Volts) 28.25 28.50 28.25 28.25
(F) Battery On Discharge Alarm: Adjustable from 20.00 to 28.00 volts DC. Factory set as
follows, unless otherwise specified.
Power System List No. 10 11 12 13
MCA Configuration No. 534876 534877 534878 534879
Factory Setting (Volts) 24.00 23.50 24.00 24.00
(G) 50% Battery On Discharge (Very Low Voltage) Alarm: Adjustable from 20.00 to 28.00
volts DC. Factory set per table below, unless otherwise specified.
Power System List No. 10 11 12 13
MCA Configuration No. 534876 534877 534878 534879
Factory Setting (Volts) 23.00 22.00 23.00 23.00
(H) System Load Current Alarm: Adjustable from 0 to 60,000 amperes. Factory set at 2,000
amperes, unless otherwise specified.
(I) Subsystem High Voltage Alarm (if subsystem installed): Adjustable from 0.00 to 60.00
volts DC. Factory set as follows, unless otherwise specified.
Power System List No. 10 11 12 13
MCA Configuration No. 534876 534877 534878 534879
Factory Setting (Volts) 50.00 53.00 50.00 50.00
(J) Subsystem Low Voltage Alarm (if subsystem installed): Adjustable from 0.00 to 60.00
volts DC. Factory set as follows, unless otherwise specified.
Power System List No. 10 11 12 13
MCA Configuration No. 534876 534877 534878 534879
Factory Setting (Volts) 46.00 44.50 46.00 46.00
(K) Subsystem Load Current Alarm (if subsystem installed): Adjustable from 0 to 60000
ampere. Factory set at 2000 amperes, unless otherwise specified.
(L) High Battery Ambient Temperature Alarm (if battery charge digital temperature
compensation probe or TXM installed): Adjustable from -50°C to +99°C. Factory set to
off, unless otherwise specified. (If TXM installed, each temperature probe has an associated
(M) Low Battery Ambient Temperature Alarm (if battery charge digital temperature
compensation probe or TXM installed): Adjustable from -49°C to +100°C. Factory set to
off, unless otherwise specified. (If TXM installed, each temperature probe has an associated