System Application Guide SAG581126000
Spec. No. 581126000 (Model 700
NVBA) Issue AD, November 23, 2009
Page 9 of 123
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List Options
Order the following by the items Part Number as specified in the following table.
When viewing electronically, click on the List # to jump to the detailed description page.
List Options (Numbers)
Part Number Description
(1U = 1-3/4”)
1 58112600001
Main Bay Common Equipment (Power and Distribution).
Accepts Distribution Cabinet (List 21, 22, 23, or 24) with
MCA (List 10, 11, 12, or 13) and Module Mounting
Assembly Interface (List 30).
-- 1, 2
2 58112600002
Supplemental Bay Common Equipment (Power and
Distribution). Includes interbay power busbars and
communication cable. Accepts Distribution Cabinet (List
23 or 24) and Module Mounting Assembly Interface (List
-- 1, 2
4 58112600004
“Distribution Only” option for List 2 or 5. Configures the
bay for use without Module Mounting Assembly.
5 58112600005
Remote Supplemental Bay Common Equipment (Power
and Distribution). Includes communication cable.
Requires interbay power cabling. Accepts Distribution
Cabinet (List 21, 22, 23, or 24) and Module Mounting
Assembly Interface (List 30).
-- 1, 2
10 58112600010
MCA - Standard Application (Configuration No. 534876)
(installed in Main Bay Distribution Cabinet).
-- 1, 2
11 58112600011
MCA - Special Application (Configuration No. 534877)
(installed in Main Bay Distribution Cabinet).
-- 1, 2
12 58112600012
MCA - Special Application (Configuration No. 534878)
(installed in Main Bay Distribution Cabinet).
-- 1, 2
13 58112600013
MCA - Special Application (Configuration No. 534879)
(installed in Main Bay Distribution Cabinet).
-- 1, 2
21 58112600021 1-Row Distribution Cabinet (for use in List 1 and 5). 7U 1, 2
22 58112600022 2-Row Distribution Cabinet (for use in List 1 and 5). 11U 1, 2
23 58112600023 3-Row Distribution Cabinet (for use in List 1, 2, and 5). 15U 1, 2
24 58112600024 4-Row Distribution Cabinet (for use in List 1, 2, and 5). 19U 1, 2
29 58112600029 Top Shield for Distribution Cabinet. -- --
30 58112600030
Interface Components for one (1) 588705101, 588705102,
588705103, or 588705104 Module Mounting Assembly.
2U to 8U 1, 2, 3
31 58112600031
Field Expansion Kit. Provides one (1) 588705100
8-Position Module Mounting Assembly and components
required for field installation in a Power System.
2U --
50 58112600050
Model R24-2500 Rectifier Module (PCU)
(for use in List 30 and 31).
-- 1, 2
60 58112600060
DC-DC Converter Option Interface Component Kit
(for use in List 30 and 31).
-- --