2103 Modem Module
Section 3 2103C Cellular Modem Module
3.2 Antenna Options One of 2 antenna types is included with your system, also spec-
ified when ordering:
•The external, magnetic mount antenna (part
#68-2000-032) is 3 inches tall and has a 6 foot cable.
This antenna is for general use, and is especially
desirable when the system is stored within an enclosure.
Figure 3-1 2103
C magnetic mount antenna
•The external, in-street antenna (part #68-2000-031) is
4” in diameter and 1.75” tall, with a 10 foot long cable. It
is used primarily in manhole applications.
The antenna is buried next to the manhole, in a hole
bored into the pavement, at a depth leaving the top of
the antenna flush with the street.
A connecting hole is drilled through the manhole collar
for the antenna’s cable. To complete the installation, fill
the holes in with cement.
Figure 3-2 2103
C buried antenna
3.2.1 Connecting the
The antennas are connected to the 2103
C using the connector on
the right hand side of the module.
The two types of antennas use a protective connector shell on the
end of the cable to protect the end connector from the elements.
On the magnetic mount antenna, this connector shell is installed
at the factory. If you order an in-street antenna, the shell is left
off to make it easier to install the buried antenna.