2103 Modem Module
Section 4 2103G Cellular Modem Module
4.5 Setting Up The Access
Point Name
You may need to set up the access point that your cellular service
This section only applies to GPRS operation, and requires the
appropriate cellular service and SIM card.
The access point information is available from your service pro-
1. From your Windows desktop, start the HyperTerminal pro-
gram (located under Accessories, Communication).
2. Make sure the 2103
G is powered on, and that HyperTermi-
nal is disconnected. Select the COM port you will direct
connect to.
3. Configure the COM port to: 38400 bps, 8 data bits, no
parity, no stop bits, no flow control. Click OK.
4. Click on the phone icon to connect, and enter 3 or 4 ques-
tion marks (?).
5. At the > prompt, enter sp and press Return.
6. At the > prompt, enter 18 and press Return.
7. At the DPUSH> prompt, enter apn and press Return.
This will display the current setting for the access point
8. If you need to change the access point name, at the >
prompt, enter apn “name of access point” and press
9. You will be informed that the phone network information
has been updated.
10. Cycle power to the modules.
There are several commands that can be used in HyperTerminal.
The >dcfg command will show what IP address you should be
using. The >dsp command shows the network type (GSM) and
the access point name.