MA Series Media Archive Servers
ProxSys Media Upload Utility
ProxSys Media Upload Utility
Use the ProxSys Media Upload Utility to configure and initiate the MA server’s Ingest process.
This utility may be installed in computers networked to the MA server and used to load ingest
video from those computers.
Downloading and Installing
The Media Upload Utility is a JAVA application and it is necessary that the computer running
the utility have the latest version of JAVA installed before installation of the upload utility. To
get the latest version of JAVA go to www.java.com.
The latest versions of the upload utility, for Windows and Mac, are available through this
window. To download and install the utility:
1. Open the MA server’s web-based interface, see Login on page 22.
2. Click on the Upload button.
ProxSys Media Upload window appears.
3. Select and click the source from which to download the ProxSys Media Upload Utility
installer: from the MA server or the internet. Installers for Windows and Mac are
4. Follow the instructions to download the installer.
5. Locate the upload utility install file and run it.
To download directly from Focus Enhancements:
• Latest Window version
• Latest Mac version