ProxSys Media Upload Utility
MA Series Media Archive Servers
3. Edit the video clip metadata, if necessary.
It is possible to edit a single clip or multiple clips in a batch.
a. If batch editing, place a check mark by the filename of the files in the batch.
b. Edit metadata tags.
1. Edit individual metadata tags
Click on the text to insert the cursor.
2. Add metadata to existing data
Click on the empty field at the top of the metadata tag’s column.
Enter text.
Click on the
Plus sign. This appends the text to the end of the existing data in each
selected file.
3. To overwrite metadata
Click on the empty field at the top of the metadata tag’s column.
Enter text.
Click on the Diskette icon. This overwrites the metadata with the new text in each
selected file. This is helpful if accidental duplications occur or large amounts of text
need to be modified in a single field.
4. Select the destination bin in the your archive pane.
There are two types of bins:
Use existing bin or Create new bin.
Select the bin type.
• If the bin already exists, click on it.
• If creating a new bin, click on the empty field below the Create new bin option.
Enter the new bin’s name.
Metadata Fields Cleared When the Media Upload Utility Is Shut Down
Shutting down the upload utility clears both the metadata fields and Auto Watches, see
Auto Watch on page 16, and it will be necessary to re-enter them when the utility
restarts. Metadata that has been saved with content is safe.
b2, b3