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Command Buttons
Clear Log - Clear all entries in the log. Subsequent displays of the log will only show new log entries.
11.2.13 Configuring SNTP Configuring SNTP Global Configuration Page
Selection Criteria
Client Mode - Specifies the mode of operation of SNTP Client. An SNTP client may operate in one of
the following modes.
• Disable - SNTP is not operational. No SNTP requests are sent from the client nor are any
received SNTP messages processed.
• Unicast - SNTP operates in a point to point fashion. A unicast client sends a request to a
designated server at its unicast address and expects a reply from which it can determine the
time and, optionally the round-trip delay and local clock offset relative to the server.
• Broadcast - SNTP operates in the same manner as multicast mode but uses a local
broadcast address instead of a multicast address. The broadcast address has a single subnet
scope while a multicast address has Internet wide scope.
• Multicast - SNTP operates in the same manner as multicast mode and uses a local multicast
Configurable Data
Port - Specifies the local UDP port to listen for responses/broadcasts. Allowed range is (1 to 65535).
Default value is 123.
Unicast Poll Interval - Specifies the number of seconds between unicast poll requests expressed as
a power of two when configured in unicast mode. Allowed range is (6 to 10). Default value is 6.
Broadcast Poll Interval - Specifies the number of seconds between broadcast poll requests
expressed as a power of two when configured in broadcast mode. Broadcasts received prior to the
expiry of this interval are discarded. Allowed range is (6 to 10). Default value is 6.