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11.3.25 Managing Link State Configuring Link State Configuration Page
Selection Criteria
Admin Mode - Choose the link state administrative mode for the switch by selecting enable or disable
from the pull-down menu. The factory default is disabled.
Group ID – You can use this screen to reconfigure an existing group or to create a new one. Use this
pull-down menu to select one of the existing groups or select 'Create' to add a new one.
Group Mode - Choose the group administrative mode for the switch by selecting enable or disable
from the pull-down menu. The factory default is disabled.
Upstream - Choose the upstream port for a group. Switch will monitor the link level of this port for
rapidly fail-over of redundant LAN ports.
Configurable Data
Downstream - Choose downstream ports for a group. Switch will associate these downstream ports
with upstream port. If the upstream port is link down, all downstream ports will be disabled. Otherwise,
they will be enabled.
Command Buttons
Submit - Update the switch with the values on this screen. If you want the switch to retain the new
values across a power cycle, you must perform a save.
Delete - Delete this group. Configuring Link State Status
This page displays the status of all currently configured link state.