Symptom Possible Cause Remedial Action
The power does not turn ON. (Nothing Power switch is not turned Turn the power switch to ON ( ).
is displayed on the operation panel.) ON.
Power cable is not properly Pull out and securely reconnect the
connected. power cable.
Power is not supplied to the Check if power is being supplied to the
outlet. power outlet.
■ The jam error code "J65-1" and " Insufficient water in the water Insert the water supply hose into the
J70-1" (donor and receiver do not coating section water supply port until it clicks into
detach) frequently appear in the position.
■ The print is blank or partially blank.
Make sure that the O-ring is mounted
both on the water filter and the water
filter holder (on the main unit).
Replace the water filter.
The water bottle is set in position, but a The water bottle has been Turn ON ( ) the power switch and
"Warning Check Water Bottle" error inserted while the power is set remore the water bottle. After 10
appears in the display. to OFF ( ). seconds, re-install the water bottle.
After the power is set to ON ( ), a One week or more passed Replace the water. (See page 35.)
"Warning WATER CHANGE" error since the last water
appears in the display. replacement.
The donor or receiver magazine is set in Magazine is not installed Install the magazine properly according
position but a "Warning Check Donor- properly.The magazine is not to the magazine replacement procedure.
Magazine" or "Warning Check Paper- pushed all the way in. (See pages 27 and 32.)
Magazine error appears in the display.
After the power is set to ON ( ), a Donor or receiver is used up. Replace the magazine according to
"Warning Donor Empty" or "Warning the magazine replacement procedure.
Paper Empty" error appears in the display. (See pages 27 and 32.)
The host computer is used to start a The interface cable is not Remove the interface cable, and then
print job, but the printer does not security connected. reconnect it securely.
7.1 When a Problem Occurs