2.3 Alarm
● An alarm sounds under the following conditions.
● The type of alarm depends on the machine condition.
Alarm sound Machine condition
Beep (a single short beep) ● The machine has accepted a key entry.
Beep-beep-beep-beep, beep-beep-beep-beep,
● The donor/receiver is jammed.
... (four successive short beeps, repeated)
● The loaded donor or receiver is used up.
● Water replacement is needed, or the water level is low.
● The refuse compartment is filled with discharged refuse.
● The water filter needs to be replaced.
● No magazine is set in position.
Beep, beep, ...
● An E error occurred.
(a single long beep, repeated)
● The alarm stops when the door is opened.
● If "Alarm OFF" is selected in advance with the configuration function, no alarm will sound (except for
E errors).