1.1 MB89950/950A Series Features
The MB89950/950A series is a line of the general-purpose, single-chip microcontrollers.
In addition to a compact instruction set, the microcontrollers contain a variety of
peripheral functions such as an LCD controller/driver, UART, a serial I/O, PWC timer,
PWM timer and external interrupts.
■ MB89950/950A series features
Various package options
• QFP packages (0.65 mm lead pitch) for MB89951A/MB89953A/MB89P955 only
High speed processing at low voltage
Minimum execution time: 0.8 µs/5 MHz
MC-8L family CPU core
Instruction set optimized for controllers
• Multiplication and division instructions
• 16-bit arithmetic operations
• Test and branch instructions
• Bit manipulation instructions, etc.
Single-clock control system
• Main clock: max. 5 MHz
Four types of timer
• 21-bit timebase timer
• Watchdog timer
• 8-bit PWM timer (also can be used as an interval timer)
• 8-bit PWC timer
Two types of serial interface
- 5, 7, 8 bits transfer data length
• Serial I/O
LCD controller/driver
• 42 segments x 4 commons (max. 168 pixels)
• Built-in LCD voltage divider