Table 12.3-1 LCD control register (LCDR) bit functions
Bit Function
Bit 7 Reserved bit • Always write "0" to this bit.
Bit 6 PSEL:
LCD power supply
selection bit
• Selects P32/V1 and P33/V2 to function either as N-ch open-drain I/O ports (P32,
P33) or as LCD power supply pins (V1 and V2).
Bit 5 VSEL:
LCD drive supply
voltage control bit
• This bit controls the use of the internal voltage divider. Writing a "1" to it enables the
use of the internal voltage divider. Writing a "0" to it disables the use of the internal
voltage divider.
This bit must be "0" in order to isolate the internal voltage divider when external
voltage divider is used.
Bit 4 BK:
Display blanking
selection bit
• Blanks/unblanks the LCD.
• Setting this bit to "1" (blank) outputs a "deselect" waveform to the LCD segments
(which blanks the display).
Bit 3
Bit 2
MS1, MS0:
Display mode
selection bits
• Selects one of three output waveform duty ratio modes. The mode selected affects
the common pins used. Setting both bits to "0" turns off the display (stops LCD
controller/driver display operation).
Before going to a mode in which the selected frame cycle generate clock oscillator is
stopped (stop mode, etc.), these bits should be written to "00
" to turn off the
Bit 1
Bit 0
FP1, FP0:
Frame cycle selection
• These bits select one of four LCD frame cycles.
To determine this register setting, calculate the optimum frame frequency for the
LCD module you are using. Note that the frame cycle is a function of main clock