Viewing DSL Line Information
EN/LZT 108 6492 R2 - October 2003
13 Viewing DSL Line Information
To view configuration parameters and performance statistics for the ADSL
line, select WAN > DSL. The DSL Status page displays:
The DSL Status page displays the current information on the DSL line
performance. The page refreshes about every 10 seconds.
In the DSL Status table, the Operational Status: setting displays a red,
orange, or green ball to indicate that the DSL line is idle, starting up, or up-
and-running, respectively.
You can click the Loop Stop to end the DSL connection. To restart the
connection, you can click Loop Start.
Although you generally will not need to view the remaining data, it may be
helpful when troubleshooting connection or performance problems with
your ISP.