Configuring NAT
60 EN/LZT 108 6492 R2 - October 2003
5. In the “Local Address From/To:” fields, type the starting and
ending IP addresses respectively, of the range of private IP
addresses you want to be translated. Or type the same address in
both fields to specify a single IP address.
If all LAN IP addresses should be translated, specify and respectively.
6. In the “Global Address:” field, type the address that you want to
serve as the publicly known IP address for the LAN computer.
7. When you have completed entering all information, click the Submit
button. A page appears to confirm the changes.
8. Click Close to return to the NAT Configuration page. The new rule
should no be displayed in the NAT Rule table.
9. On the NAT Configuration page, ensure that the Enable radio
button is selected and then click the Submit button. A page appears
to confirm your changes.
10. Select Admin > Commit & Reboot and click the Commit button to
save your changes to permanent storage.
8.5.2 The RDR Rule
You can create a RDR rule to make a computer on your LAN, such as Web
or FTP server, available to Internet users without requiring you to obtain a
public IP address for that computer. The computer’s private IP address is
translated to your public IP address for all incoming and outgoing data
NOTE! Without an RDR rule (or BIMAP rule), the HM210dp/di
blocks attempts by external computers to access your LAN
To create a RDR rule, proceed as follows:
1. Select Services > NAT > NAT Rule Entry > Add. The NAT Rule –
Add page appears: