178 Maintaining and Troubleshooting the Gateway ALR 9200 Server
System I/O Addresses
Table 37 shows the location in I/O space of all directly I/O-accessible
Table 37: System I/O Addresses
Address Resource Device Notes
0000h - 000Fh DMA Controller 1 PIIX4E
0010h - 001Fh DMA Controller 1 PIIX4E Aliased from 0000h - 000Fh
0020h - 0021h Interrupt Controller 1 PIIX4E
0022h - 0023h
0024h - 0025h Interrupt Controller 1 PIIX4E Aliased from 0020h - 0021h
0026h - 0027h
0028h - 0029h Interrupt Controller 1 PIIX4E Aliased from 0020h - 0021h
002Ah - 002Bh
002Ch - 002Dh Interrupt Controller 1 PIIX4E Aliased from 0020h - 0021h
002Eh - 002Fh Super I/O Index and Data
0030h - 0031h Interrupt Controller 1 PIIX4E Aliased from 0020h - 0021h
0032h - 0033h
0034h - 0035h Interrupt Controller 1 PIIX4E Aliased from 0020h - 0021h
0036h - 0037h
0038h - 0039h Interrupt Controller 1 PIIX4E Aliased from 0020h - 0021h
003Ah - 003Bh
003Ch - 003Dh Interrupt Controller 1 PIIX4E Aliased from 0020h - 0021h
003Eh - 003Fh
0040h - 0043h Programmable Timers PIIX4E
0044h - 004Fh
0050h - 0053h Programmable Timers PIIX4E Aliased from 0040h - 0043h
0054h - 005Fh
0060h, 0064h Keyboard Controller Keyboard chip select from
0061h NMI Status & Control
0063h NMI Status & Control
PIIX4E Aliased
0065h NMI Status & Control
PIIX4E Aliased
0067h NMI Status & Control
PIIX4E Aliased
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