Index 201
system management menu 133
toolbar 135
EMP Direct Connect/Modem Mode,
EMP Console 134
EMP Restricted Mode Access, EMP
Console 134
Enable Master
Setup field, PCI device, embedded
Setup field, PCI devices 89
Enabled Host Bus Error, Setup field 94
environmental specifications 177
codes 173
fan failure 16
memory 23
messages 170
, 173
overtemperature 16
overvoltage 16
single-bit memory errors 40
error correcting code
see ECC
see static electricity
Exit Discarding Changes, Setup field 97
Exit Saving Changes, Setup field 97
exit, Setup menu 97
FRU and SDR load utility 150
SSU 124
expansion card
adding an ISA card in the SSU 114
defining an ISA card in the
SSU 113
installing 63
removing 64
removing an ISA card in the
SSU 114
testing a video controller 165
expansion slot
connectors 15
ISA 15
PCI 16
PCI-A 16
PCI-B 16
shared 16
extended data output
see EDO
extended memory 24
Extended RAM Step, Setup field 91
extended VGA modes supported 183
external IPMB connector 18
F16 expansion connector 18
failure monitoring 16
installing for high-power SCSI
drives 57
installing system fan 62
installing, high-power drives 57
installing, power supply bay 57
removing a system fan 59
removing fan assembly 60
removing foam covers 60
speed monitoring 18
fault resilient boot
see FRB
software security 28
system board 10
field replaceable unit
see FRU
Firmware Update utility
running 151
using 151
first-level cache 21
Fixed Disk Boot Sector, Setup field 92
flash BIOS
beep codes for recovery 76
memory 15
recovering 101
recovery if failed 75
upgrading 98
, 100
Floppy check, Setup field 95
Floppy disk controller, Setup field 90
3424.boo Page 201 Wednesday, September 2, 1998 9:23 AM