
GE Power Systems
Custom ABB C3000/C0300 DPA
Configuration Guide
A016-1CG-1.00-2 General
Field Range Description
Comm Fail Timer 10 to 3600 The amount of time in seconds that the C3000/C0300 DPA waits to
receive an intelligible message from a master station before declaring
that communications have failed for the affected communication port.
This entry is ignored if the Fail Output option is Undefined (-1).
LRU Offset Indexes into
A016_XRF table.
The one based offset from the first entry in the A016_XRF table, which
corresponds to this port. The A016
XRF table is described in the next
Total LRUs 1 to 32767 The number of LRUs communicating on this port. This entry is used in
conjunction with the XRF Offset entry to determine the exact range of
records in the A016
XRF table that this communication port is to utilize.
The high entry limit is confined to the number of records in the
A016_XRF table. Also the entered value, plus the XRF Offset entry, must
not exceed the number of records in the A016_XRF table.
Table 3. Character Times at the selected Baud Rate
Baud Rate One Character Time(ms)
110 91
300 34
600 17
1200 9
1800 6
2400 5
4800 3
7200 2
9600 2