General A016-1CG-1.00-2
Appendix A: Error Messages
The C3000/C0300 DPA logs messages to the WESMAINT II Error Log display when run time
errors occur. The messages are divided into two categories, the first being fatal error messages
and the second being warning messages.
Fatal errors messages are logged when the application is unable to recover from an error
condition and must suspend operation. Warning messages are logged when an error is not severe
enough to require that the program suspend operation, but functionality of the application may be
When any of the messages listed in this appendix are logged to the Error Log display, they are
prefixed with the C3000/C0300 DPA identifier "A016" or "A016-<y>-<zz> where <y> identifies
a C3000/C0300 DPA sub-process and <zz> identifies a specific instance of the sub-process.
The symbol <xx> shown in some of the error messages listed in this appendix represents a
variable value. When the error is logged, the <xx> symbol is replaced by an alphanumeric value
specific to the occurrence of the error.
Many fatal errors may be remedied by the user as noted in the description of each error. Upon
occasion however, it may be necessary to contact the GE Power Systems Customer Service
Department in regard to a logged error. In this case the exact text of the message should be
reported in order to assure correct diagnosis of the problem.