DO NOT operate this instrument in an excessively wet, oily, dusty, or
dirty environment.
The unit is a precision instrument. Although it has been designed for opti
mum durability and trouble free operation, it must be handled with care.
Position the unit before the tank is filled with fluid. Use the handles pro
vided to move the unit. Due to the weight of the compressor, it may re
quire two people to safely move the bath. If two people are used, place
one person in the front and one person in the back of the unit, carefully
slide hands under the unit and lift in unison. The area containing the com
pressor will be heavier than the rest of the unit. Do not move a unit filled
with fluid.
Most probes have handle temperature limits. Be sure that the probe handle
temperature limit is not exceeded in the air above the instrument.
The instrument and any thermometer probes used with it are sensitive in
struments that can be easily damaged. Always handle these devices with
care. Do not allow them to be dropped, struck, stressed, or overheated.
• Refrigerated baths require that the condensing coil be cleaned periodi-
cally. Accumulation of dust and dirt on the condenser will result in pre-
mature failure of the compressor.
• This bath has been equipped with a brownout and over voltage protection
device as a safety feature to protect the system components.
• Mode of Operation: This bath needs to be plugged into the line voltage
for at least 2 minutes before operation. This is only necessary for the first
time that the bath is energized or when it is moved from one location to
another. Turning the bath ON or OFF does not trigger the delay.
If a High/Low voltage condition exists for longer than 5 seconds, the bath
de-energizes. An amber indicator on the back panel lights when this con
dition exists.
Re-energization is automatic upon correction of the fault condition and af
ter a delay cycle of about 2 minutes. If a fault condition exists upon appli
cation of power, the bath will not energize.
Under and Over Voltage Protection at 115 VAC
Voltage Cutout: ±12.5% (101 - 129 VAC)
Voltage Cut In: ±7.5% (106 - 124 VAC)
Under and Over Voltage Protection at 230 VAC
Voltage Cutout: ±12.5% (203 - 257 VAC)
1 Before You Start