
LL Low Limit parameter
Press “SET” to enable adjustment of LL.
LL Flashes “ ” and then displays the setting
L=-90 Current LL setting
Adjust the LL parameter using “UP” or “DOWN”.
L=-20 New LL setting
Press “SET” to accept the new temperature limit.
9.9.3 Cooling
This menu function allows the operator to disable cooling and corresponds to
the remote cooling control function (see Table 3). Switching the cooling off
temporarily allows the bath to heat up more quickly from a low temperature.
Cooling can be manually switched off using the cooling switch on the front
panel or automatically switched off any time the bath temperature or set-point
is higher than about 35°C. As a result, cooling is ON only if the cooling func-
tion is ON, the cooling switch is ON, and both the bath temperature and the
set-point are less than about 35°C. The cooling function is indicated by,
CooL Flashes “CooL” and then displays the setting
CooL=OFF Current cooling setting
The setting may be changed using “UP” or “DOWN” and pressing “SET”.
CooL=On New cooling setting
9.10 Serial Interface Parameters
The serial RS-232 interface parameters menu is indicated by,
Serial RS-232 interface parameters menu
The serial interface parameters menu contains parameters which determine the
operation of the serial interface. These controls only apply to instruments fitted
with the serial interface. The parameters in the menu are — BAUD rate, sample
period, duplex mode, and linefeed. Press “UP” to enter the menu.
9 Controller Operation