Changing Power Levels
Variable power levelsadd flexibilitg to
microwave cooking.The power levelson
the microwave oven can be compared to
the surface units on a range. PowerlevelHi
or full power isthe fastest wag to cook and
gives gou 100% poweEEachpower level
gives you microwave energg a certain
percent of the time. Power level7 is
microwave energy 70% ofthe time. Power
level3 isenergg 30% of the time.
A high setting will cook faster but food
mag need more frequent stirring,rotating
or turning oveEMost cookingwill be done
on power levelHi.A lowersetting will cook
more evenlgand need lessstirring or
rotating of the food.
Somefoods mag have better flavor,texture
or appearance ifone of the lower settings
is used.Usea lower power levelwhen
cooking foods that have a tendencg to boil
over,such as scalloped potatoes.
Restperiods (whenthe microwave energg
cgclesoff) givetime for the food to
"equalize"or transfer heat to the insideof
the food. An example of this isshown with
power level3-the defrost cgcle.If
microwave energg did not cgcle off,the
outside of the food would cook beforethe
insidewas defrosted.
Hereare some examples of usesfor
various power levels:
Power Level BestUses
Hi Fish,bacon,vegetables,
boiling liquids.
Ned-High 7 Gentlecooking of meat and
poultrg; bakingcasseroles
and reheating.
Medium 5 Slowcooking and
tenderizing such as
stewsand lesstender
cutsof meat.
Low 2 or 3 Defrostingwithout cooking;
simmering;delicate sauces.
Warm I Keepingfood warm without
How to Change the Power Level
The power level may be entered or
changed immediatelu after entering
the feature time for TimeCook.
1. PressTime Cook.
2. Enter cooking time.
3. Press Power Level.
4. Select desired power level 1-9.
5. Press Start.
Time Features
The power level mag be changed if gou
do not want full poweE
1.Press Time Cook.
2. Enter cooking time.
3.Change power level if gou don't want
full power. (Press Power Level.
Select a desired power level 1-9.)
4. Press Start.
Time Cook
Allows #ou to microwave for any time up
to 9g minutes and 9g seconds.
PowerlevelHi isautomaticallu set,but
Uoumag change itfor more flexibility.
You may open the door during Time Cook
to checkthe food.Closethe door and press
Start to resume cooking.