Time Features (cont)
Time Defrost
Allows gou to defrost for a selected length
of time. See the Defrosting Guide for
suggested times.
1. Press Time Defrost.
2. Enter defrosting time.
3. Press Start.
4. Turn the food over after half the time.
5. PressStart.
At one half of selecteddefrosting time, turn
food over and breakapart orrearrange
piecesfor more even defrosting.Shieldany
warm areas with small piecesof foil.The
ovenwill continue to defrost if gou don't
open the door and turn the food,
A dullthumping noisemag beheard
during defrosting.This isnormal when
oven isnot operating at Hipower
Defrosting Tips
• Foodsfrozenin paperor plasticcanbe
defrostedin the package.Closedpackages
shouldbeslit,piercedorvented AFTER
foodhas partiallydefrosted.Plasticstorage
containersshouldbe partiallyuncovered.
• Familg-size,prepackaged frozen dinners
can be defrosted and microwave& Ifthe
food is in a foil container,transfer itto a
microwave-safe dish,
• Foodsthat spoileosilg shouldnot be
allowed to sit out for morethan one hour
after defrosting. Room temperature
promotes the growth of harmful bacteria.
• When defrosted, food should be cool
but softened in all areas. Ifstill slightlg icg,
return to the microwave verg brieflg, or
let it stand a few minutes.
Defrosting Guide
Time Comments
Bread,bunsOrrolls(1 piece) 1/2 rain.
Sweet rolls(approx.Z2oz.) 3to 5rain. Rearrangeafter half thetime.
Fishand Seafood
Fillets,frozen(1 lb.) 6 to 9 rain.
Shellfish,small pieces(1lb.) 6 to 9 rain. Placeblock in casserole.Turn overand break up after half the time.
Plasticpouch--! or 2 2to 6 rain.
(lO-oz. package)
Bacon (1 ID. 4 to 7 min.
Franks 11 a.i 4 to 7 min.
Grout a meat (1 lb.} 10to 12min.
Placeunopened package inoven.Let stand 5minutes after defrosting.
Placeunopened package inoven.Hicrowavejust until franks can beseparated. Let stand
5minutes, if necessarg,to complete defrosting.
Turn meat overafter first halfof time.
Roast:beef.lamb.veal OOrK
Steaks.cncasaria CUtlets
Chtcken.Droiler-f%er,cut up
(2J/2to 3 Ibs.)
Chicken.wnole 2V2to 3 Ibs.l
Cornish her
TurkeL breast (4to 6 Ibs.)
9 to 13 rain. per lb. Use power level 1.
9 to 13 rain. per lb. Place unwrapped meat in cooking dish. Turn over after first half of time and shield warm areas with
foil. After second half of time, separate pieces with table knife. Let stand to complete defrosting.
26 to 32 rain.
26 to 32 min.
7 to 13 min. per lb.
g to 14 min. per lb.
Placewrapped chicken in dish.Unwrap and turn over after first half of time. After second half of
time, separate piecesand place incooking dish. Hicrowave 2to 4minutes more,if necessarg. Let
stand afew minutes to finish defrosting.
Placewrapped chickenin dish.After half the time,unwrap and turn chicken over:Shieldwarm
areas with foil.To complete defrosting,run coldwater inthe cavitg until giblets can be removed.
Placeunwrapped hen in the oven breast-side-up.Turnover after first halfof time.
Runcool water in the cavitg until giblets can be removed.
Placeunwrapped breastin microwave-safe dish breast-side-down. After first half
of time,turn breast-side-up and shield warm areaswith foil. Defi-ostfor second
half of time. Letstand 1to 2hours in refi-igeratorto complete defrosting.