-A?!%& casserole
=aEii@-Aim cock cock?6
Approx.CookingTime—17 min.
akes6 to 8 Servings
t lb.groundchuck
?/2 cup dry Mead crumbs
1/8 te&pobn pepper
1/2 teaspoonsalt
1 teaspoonchili powder
3 tabbpoons ehj mincedonions
1 egg
3 tablespoonsketchup
1/2 cup instantrice
i can (q51/’z
O kidneyb
1 can ($6 oz.) tornaioes,chopped
and undrained
1 tablespoonchilipowder
1 teaspoonsalt
In large mixing bowl, place meat,
bread crumbs, pepper, salt, chili
powder, onion, egg and ketchup.
Mix well and form into 12 balls.
Arrange balls in a circle in 2 qt.
casseroie.Set aside.
In small mixing bowl place rice,
beans,tomatoes and chili powder.
‘a- Mix well and pour in center of cas-
~ serole and over meatballs. Cover
and microwave at Auto Cook
Auto Cmls Code9
Makes4 Serwings
1/4 cup soy sauce
1/3 cup honey
t/3 cup orangejuice
1 wholechicken(about3 Ibs.)
2 tablespoonscornstarch
1 tablespoonwater
In small cooking bag, mix soy
sauce, honey and orange juice. Add
chicken to bag and tie with plastic
tie. Turn chicken on its side in
12x 8 x 2-in. dish. Marinate 1 hour
on each side. Place bird breast side
up in dish. Slash bag near closure.
Microwave on Auto Cook Code 9.
When oven signals, remove chicken
and prepare Teriyaki sauce. In l-pt.
glass measuring cup stir together
water and cornstarch. Cut off one
corner of cooking bag with scissors
and drain juices into cup. Micro-
wave at High (10) 2 minutes. Re-
move chicken from bag to serving
platter. Pour sauce over chicken
just before serving.
Cma R
Auto Cook Code 9
Makes6 Servings
1 can (10-1/2 oz.] condensed
1-1/4 cupsmilk (1 soupcan M)
3/4 cup instantrice
1 can (4oz.) rnuslwooms,stems
and pieces,drained
1 pkg. (1-1/2 oz.) dry onion
1 cutup chicken(about3 b.)
In small mixing bowl mix soup and
milk; reserve 1/2 cup of the mixture.
Blend remaining soup mixture, rice,
mushrooms and half of the onion
soup mix. Pour into 12x 8 x 2-in.
glass dish.
Place chicken pieces on rice mix-
ture, arranging with meatiest pieces
to outside of dish, Pour reserved
soup mixture over chicken and
sprinkle with remaining soup mix.
Cover with wax paper and tuck
under dish. Microwave at Auto
Cook Code 9.
ode 6.
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