if done properly,it will takeonly
a few moments to startMe seif-
c!eaning cycle on your oven. After
setting your oven to self-clean, a
soilin the ovencavity.The dirtwill
ashwasteor evaporatingintoan
odorlessand colorlessvapor.When
rangeto cool.
Step 3: Push and hold Latch
ReleaseButton while latching door.
Oven Timer:
@Push in knob on Stop (Clean)
dial and turn to the time you wish
oven to stop cleaning. Add the
number of hours neededfor
cleaning to the presenttime of day.
withyour seif-cieardng oven,we
recommend 2 hoursfor the average
cleaningfunction,but in some
casesa longercleaningtime, up to
3 hoursmay be necessary.In order
to judge the degree of soil, look at
the oven floor and walls. Light
spatter and thinner spills would
generally need only 2 hours clean-
ing. Heavy greasy spills and spatter
on the oven interior would need up
to 3 hours.
Step f: Remove all cookware and
food as well as heavy soil deposits
from the oven. Clean spatters or
spills around the oven door, rectan-
gular flanges, and gasket. Then
close the door.
Step 2: Turn OVEN SET Knob and
OVEN TEMP Knob clockwise to
CLEAN. The control will snap into
final position when the CLEAN posi-
tion is reached.
@Cleaning Indicator Lights come
on when all steps areset properly,
@If you wish to clean at a later time
set Start dial to that time.
NOTE: A slight odor may be
detected especially during the first
few cleanings. Do not be alarmed.
This is normal during the self-
cleaning cycle.
When cleaning temperature is
reached, Lock Light comes on and
door cannot be unlatched until
Lock Light goes off.
Step 5: When Lock Light goes off,
push and hold the Clean Lock
Button while sliding Latch to OPEN.
Turn OVEN SET Knob to OFF.
Step 6:Turn OVEN SET Knob to
Pan in microwaveovencomeson
when LockLightisglowingduring
self-cleaningoperation.You may
stilluseyour microwaveat this
Qua A
Q. Why istherestillsomeblacksoil
A. You did not time the oven to
clean long enough. This deposit will
be removed in later cleanings.
Q. if my ovenclockis notworking
can i stillself-cleanmy oven?
A. No. Your Automatic Oven Timer
usesthe range clock to help start
and stop your self-cleaning cycle.
Q. Why did the LockLightcomeon
when 1firstsettheovenfor CLEAN?
A. Lock Light glowing indicates that
oven is too hot. Turn OVEN SET
Knob to OFF and open oven door
to COOIthe internal cavity. After a
short period of time, reset controls
for cleaning.
Q. MY ovenshelveshavebecome
A. Yes. After many cleanings, the
shelves may lose some luster and
discolor to a deep gray color.
Q. Why do i haveashleftin my
A. Some types of soil will leavea
deposit which is ash. It can be re-
moved with a damp sponge or cloth.
Q. What shouldIdo if excessive
A. This is caused by excessive
grease and you should switch the
OVEN SET Knob to OFF. Open
windo,yvsand doors to rid room of
smoke. Allow the oven to cool for at
least one hour before opening the
door. Wipe up the excess grease
and reset the clean cycle.