86 HP ProLiant DL560 Server Maintenance and Service Guide
Item LED Description Status
14 PPM 4 failure Amber = PPM failed
Off = Normal
15 PPM 3 failure Amber = PPM failed
Off = Normal
16 PPM 2 failure Amber = PPM failed
Off = Normal
17 PPM 1 failure Amber = PPM failed
Off = Normal
18 Fans (1 through 8) Green = Normal
Off = Power off
Amber = One or both of the following
conditions exist:
Fan failed or is not seated
Fan bracket is not seated
19 System power Green = System power is applied
Off = System power is not applied
20 Auxiliary power Green = Auxiliary power is applied
Off = Auxiliary power is not applied
21 Peripheral board
Amber = Peripheral board is not seated
Off = Peripheral board is seated
22 Riser interlock Amber = PCI riser cage is not seated
Off = PCI riser cage is seated
System LEDs and Internal Health LED Combinations
When the internal health LED on the front panel is either amber or red, the server
is experiencing a health event. Combinations of illuminated system LEDs and the
internal health LED indicate system status.