Chapter 4
Booting and Shutting Down the Operating System
System Boot Configuration Options
To set the ACPI configuration value, issue the acpiconfig value command at the EFI Shell, where
value is either default or windows. Then reset the nPartition by issuing the reset EFI Shell command
for the setting to take effect.
The ACPI configuration settings for the supported OSes are in the following list.
— HP-UX ACPI Configuration: default
On cell-based HP Integrity servers, to boot or install the HP-UX OS, you must set the ACPI
configuration value for the nPartition to default.
For details, refer to “ACPI Configuration for HP-UX Must Be default” on page 147.
— HP OpenVMS I64 ACPI Configuration: default
On cell-based HP Integrity servers, to boot or install the HP OpenVMS I64 OS, you must set the ACPI
configuration value for the nPartition to default.
For details, refer to “ACPI Configuration for HP OpenVMS I64 Must Be default” on page 155.
— Windows ACPI Configuration: windows
On cell-based HP Integrity servers, to boot or install the Windows OS, you must set the ACPI
configuration value for the nPartition to windows.
For details, refer to “ACPI Configuration for Windows Must Be windows” on page 160.
— Red Hat Enterprise Linux ACPI Configuration: default
On cell-based HP Integrity servers, to boot or install the Red Hat Enterprise Linux OS, you must set
the ACPI configuration value for the nPartition to default.
For details, refer to “ACPI Configuration for Red Hat Enterprise Linux Must Be default” on page 165.
— SuSE Linux Enterprise Server ACPI Configuration: default
On cell-based HP Integrity servers, to boot or install the SuSE Linux Enterprise Server OS, you must
set the ACPI configuration value for the nPartition to default.
For details, refer to “ACPI Configuration for SuSE Linux Enterprise Server Must Be default” on
page 166.
• Boot Modes on HP Integrity nPartitions: nPars and vPars Modes
On cell-based HP Integrity servers, each nPartition can be configured in either of two boot modes:
— nPars Boot Mode
In nPars boot mode, an nPartition is configured to boot any single operating system in the standard
environment. When an nPartition is in nPars boot mode, it cannot boot the vPars monitor and
therefore does not support HP-UX virtual partitions.
— vPars Boot Mode
In vPars boot mode, an nPartition is configured to boot into the vPars environment. When an
nPartition is in vPars boot mode, it can only boot the vPars monitor and therefore it only supports
HP-UX virtual partitions and it does not support booting HP OpenVMS I64, Microsoft Windows, or
other operating systems. On an nPartition in vPars boot mode, HP-UX can boot only within a virtual
partition (from the vPars monitor) and cannot boot as a standalone, single operating system in the