Appendix C
Powering the System On and Off
Shutting Down the System
• Windows: Log in as Administrator. From the Special Administration Console (SAC> prompt)
enter cmd to start a new command prompt. Press
Esc+Tab to switch to the channel for the
command prompt and log in.
Step 3. At the console prompt, shut down and halt the operating system by entering the shutdown
• HP-UX: Enter the shutdown -h command
• Linux: Enter the shutdown -h <time> command, where <time> is the number of minutes until
system shutdown
• Windows: Enter the shutdown /s command
Step 4. Exit the partition console by entering
ctrl+B after shutting down the system.
Step 5. Repeat step 1
through step 4 for each partition.
Preparing the Partitions for Shutdown
IMPORTANT Before powering off the cabinets, HP recommends first that all partitions be brought to the
boot-is-blocked (BIB) state.
Perform the following procedure to ensure that all partitions are ready to be shut down.
Step 1. From the CM> prompt, issue an rr command (Figure C-8).
Step 2. Enter the partition number and when prompted for reset of the partition number, enter Y (yes).
Figure C-8 Issuing an rr Command
Step 3. At the CM> prompt, enter a de -s command (Figure C-9).
Step 4. From the de menu prompt, enter s to display the Cell PDH Controller.
Step 5. When prompted, enter the cabinet and cell board number on which the partition resides.