
Error Messages
122 Embedded Web Server User Guide
Error 39: Invalid Year The value of the year
entered for the new
system date is invalid.
The format of the date
parameter must be
mm:dd:yyyy or
mm/dd/yyyy. The year
must contain an integer
greater than 1980. Enter
an appropriate date and
Error 40: Invalid Hour The value of the hour
entered for the new
system time is invalid.
The format of the time
parameter must be
hh:mm:ss. The hour can
contain an integer in the
range 00–23. Enter an
appropriate time and
Error 41: Invalid Minute The value of the minute
entered for the new
system time is invalid.
The format of the time
parameter must be
hh:mm:ss. The minute can
contain an integer in the
range 00–59. Enter an
appropriate time and
Error 42: Invalid Second The value of the second
entered for the new
system time is invalid.
The format of the time
parameter must be
hh:mm:ss. The second
can contain an integer in
the range 00–59. Enter
an appropriate time and
Error 44: Max SNMP
Communities Defined
A new SNMP community
may not be defined
without removing an
existing community from
the list.
A total of 6 communities
may be defined for
SNMP. A new community
can be added only after a
current community is
removed. Make the
appropriate changes and
Error 45: Not Allowed
While Switch Online
The entered command
requires that the director
or switch be set offline.
Set the switch offline and
resubmit the command.
Table 9: Embedded Web Serve Messages (Continued)
Message Description Action