Viewing Product and Fabric Data
84 Embedded Web Server User Guide
Figure 28: Fabric tab with Products tab view
The Products page provides a quick glance at the devices in the fabric, as well as
direct hyperlink access to fabric participants that support the EWS interface. The
devices are shown in separate product cells organized by domain ID in numerical
Each device on the fabric is shown in a separate box called a product cell. The
boxes consist of a list of properties for the device, and a graphic showing the
product and a symbol that represents the status of the product.
The information shown in the product cells reflects the state of devices before the
information displays. This information does not update automatically. You must
refresh the screen manually to see the most recent information. Click the Refresh
icon at the top right of the window.
Note: If the message Attempting to Collect Data displays in a product cell,
you may want to reload the page, because it will not update automatically after the
initial view is loaded.