Diagnostics tools 107
To change the admin password:
1. In the Security menu screen, select the Admin Password field, and then press Enter.
2. Type the original password in the password box.
3. Type a new password, and then press Enter.
4. Retype the new password to verify the first entry, and then press Enter again.
5. Press F10 to save the password and close the Setup Utility.
To remove the admin password:
1. In the Security menu screen, select the Admin Password field, and then press Enter.
2. Type the original password then press Enter.
3. Press Enter twice without entering anything in the new and confirm password fields.
4. Press F10 to save the changes you made and close the Setup Utility.
The Admin Password Is field value is set to Clear.
To reset the admin password:
If you forget the admin password, clear the Setup configuration values (CMOS). This procedure will
clear the BIOS admin password as well. Use switch 1 of the system configuration switch (SW4) to
reset it. See page 110 for instructions.
Boot menu
Use this menu to set the preferred drive sequence in which the Setup Utility attempts to boot the
operating system.