Diagnostics tools 98
SATA Port 0–5 submenus
Field Description Options
Type Select the type of drive connected to the related port.
• Auto – BIOS detects what the drive is capable of, not the
translation mechanism that was used to format the drive.
Note: In this mode, if a drive is run in a mode other than the mode in
which it was partitioned and formatted, unpredictable results may
occur, including data loss.
• CD-ROM – An optical disc drive is installed in this port.
• ATAPI Removable – An ATAPI removable drive is installed in this
• User – The user can manually edit other user-configurable fields in
this submenu. This should be done only for hard drives that do not
support the LBA mode, or are not automatically detected.
Note: The setting selected in this field will determine the availability of
other fields/options in this submenu.
ATAPI Removable
These fields should be edited only for hard drives that do not support the LBA mode, or
are not automatically detected.
Note: These fields are only available when the Type field is set to User.
Total Sectors
Maximum Capacity
Displays the total number of sectors in the hard drive, as well as its maximum capacity
(LBA mode).
• These two fields do not appear when the Type field is set to CD-ROM or ATAPI
• When the Type field is set to User, the value for the drive maximum capacity is
determined in CHS (Cylinders, Heads, Sectors) mode.
Multi-Sector Transfer Select the number of sectors per block that the SATA controller is
allowed to transfer per interrupt.
Note: When the Type field is set to Auto this field is automatically
detected and is not user-configurable.
2 Sectors
4 Sectors
8 Sectors
16 Sectors