
Chapter 5 87
Configuration utilities
V2500/V2600 SCA (multinode) configuration
ts_config can also configure a V2500/V2600 SCA system. An example
to follow describes how. The example assumes that there are two active
single-node complexes. After the system has rebooted to OBP, node 0
becomes the console for the SCA complex.
To configure the two-node system in the example, start ts_config as
described in “Starting ts_config” on page 72. Once ts_config has
started, a window like that shown in Figure 45 is displayed.
Figure 45 SSP supporting two single-node complexes
The following procedure configures the two-node SCA system in the
Step 1. Select the nodes by clicking anywhere in the information display for each
node. As the nodes are selected, they become highlighted.
Step 2. Select “Action” and then “Configure Multinode complex” as shown in
Figure 46.