Chapter 5 91
Configuration utilities
This information includes:
•Node ID
• Complex serial number (if it has been modified)
• Requested or auto-generated software identifier
• Configuration Manager Daemon, ccmd, is notified of the new
• The shared-memory database of node information is updated.
• Multinode configuration parameters are written to NVRAM in each
node. These include:
• Hypernode bitmask
• X- and Y-ring information
•Node count
•CTI cache size
• Node-local memory size
• The boot vector of each node is set to OBP and each node is reset.
When the configuration process is complete, ts_config shows the new
multinode complex, as in Figure 50. The restart process activates the
new SSP root menu which includes customized menus for each complex.
The Workspace Manager must be restarted or else the root menu will be
outdated (the rest of the configuration process is complete).