To Poll Documents from other Stations on the HP FAX-950
Make sure the other station(s) know in advance that you will be calling. The other station(s) must have the document(s)
set in their automatic document feeder(s) or stored in memory.
Set the polling password, if applicable. Refer to the polling password procedure at the top of this page if necessary.
While entering station numbers, if you wish to scroll through and review the entered station numbers, use the Photo
and Stamp buttons.
To correct an error, use the Clear button to delete the station number, then enter the correct information.
To poll documents from other stations on the FAX-950, press the buttons in the sequence shown and enter the
necessary information where requested.
3 →
Enter phone
Press the desired one-touch key
(01 – 24)
Enter 2–digit speed-dial code
Enter phone
numbers using
any combination
of these three
dialing methods
Speed Dial
For more stations, repeat
dialing method using
next station number
Deferred (Time-Delayed) Polling on the HP FAX-900
Scheduled polling is not a capability of the HP FAX-700 and FAX-750. The only choices
available in the “Being Polled” mode are 1) Off, 2) One Time Only, and 3) Until Turned Off.
Your HP FAX-900 has deferred polling capabilities that allow you to delay polling. You can poll documents from one
or more stations at a preset time within the next 24-hour period. This allows you to take advantage of lower phone
rates, adjust to different time zones, and poll documents after normal working hours.
Use the numeric keypad to enter the time using a 4-digit, 24-hour clock format. (Example: 09:30 = 9:30 am; 22:00 =
10:00 pm.)
To correct an error, press the Clear button and reenter the correct numbers.