Product Information 1Ć11
Product Dimensions Width 345.4 mm Width 429.3 mm Width 401 mm Width 478 mm
(13.6 in) (16.9 in) (15.8 in) (18.8 in)
Height 218.4 mm Height 218.4 mm Height: 267 mm Height: 267 mm
(8.6 in) (8.6 in) (10.5 in) (10.5 in)
Depth 330.2 mm Depth 330.2 mm Depth: 597 mm Depth: 597 mm
(13 in) (13 in) (23.5 in) (23.5 in)
Product Weight 8.99 kg (19 lb) 9.46 kg (20 lb) 8.6 kg (19 lb) 8.6 kg (19 lb)
(excluding paper) (excluding paper) (excluding paper) (excluding
Operating TemperĆ 0 _C to 40 _C0_C to 40 _C5_C to 35_C5_C to 35 _C
ature (Electronics) 32 _F to 104 _F 32 _F to 104 _F 41 _F to 95 _F 41 _F to 95 _F
Optimum Operating 15 _C to 35 _C 15 _C to 35 _C15_C to 35 _C15_C to 35 _C
Temperature 59 _F to 95 _F 59 _F to 95 _F59_F to 95 _F59_F to 95 _F
NonĆOperating -40 _C to 75 _C -40 _C to 75 _C -30 _C to 60 _C -30 _C to 60 _C
Temperature -40 _F to 167 _F -40 _F to 167 _F -22 _F to 140 _F -22 _F to 140_F
Operating Humidity 15% to 95% RH 15% to 95% RH 20% to 70% RH 20% to 70% RH
Optimum Humidity 20% to 80 % RH 20% to 80 % RH 20% to 80 % RH 20% to 80 % RH
NonĆOperating 5% to 95% RH 5% to 95% RH 5% to 80% RH 5% to 80% RH
Configuration Battery Maintains dialing Maintains dialing Maintains dialing Maintains
Backup and configuration and configuration and configuration dialing
memory for at least memory for at least memory for at and configuraĆ
10 days. Requires 10 days. Requires least10 days. tion memory for
2 days of power on 2 days of power on Requires 2 days at least 10 days.
to fully charge the to fully charge the of power on to Requires 2 days
battery. battery. fully charge the of power on to
battery. fully charge the
Voltage 100 Ć 127 Vac 100 Ć 127 Vac 108 Ć 132 Vac or 108 Ć 132 Vac or
200 Ć 240 Vac 200 Ć 240 Vac
(dependent on (dependent on
country version) country version)
Table 1-3. General Specifications (Continued)
Specification HP FAXĆ700 HP FAX-750 HP FAXĆ900 HP FAXĆ950
This table is continued on the next page