Features and Specifications
Standard Features
Standard Features
Processor Intel Pentium 200- or 233-processor with MMX technology.
Cache 32K L1 cache.
512K L2 pipeline burst-synchronous cache.
Architecture 32-bit PCI (Peripheral Component Interconnect) bus architecture.
Mass storage Industry-standard 2 GB or 4 GB removable Enhanced-IDE hard drive.
ATA2 Interface, Partial Response Maximum Likelihood recording method.
Magneto Resistive heads.
SMART Technology
Memory 16 MB RAM standard on motherboard.
2 memory slots hold any combination of 8 MB, 16 MB, 32 MB or 64 MB SO-
DIMM memory.
Expandable up to 144 MB.
SDRAM on motherboard, 66 Mhz.
EDO in expansion slots, 60 ns.
Accessory bay Side-accessible bay accommodates one of the following:
• 20X Maximum CD-ROM drive.
• 3.5 inch, 1.44 MB flexible disk drive.
• Internal Zip Drive
• Second rechargeable lithium-ion battery.
Flexible disk drive Manufacturer: Teac.
Removable 3.5-inch, 1.44 MB drive.
Integrated in the unit or attached externally through the parallel port (cable
shipped with each OmniBook 3000).