
Features and Specifications
Getting Assistance and Support
Port Replicator User’s Guide
Location: Port Replicator Box (printed document) and HP’s website.
Audience: End User, Corporate IT.
Content: Setting up the Port Replicator, using and connecting devices to the
Port Replicator, troubleshooting, support information.
Application Notes
Location: Electronic Support Services and HP’s website.
Audience: All.
Content: Installing an operating system, updating the BIOS, troubleshooting.
3rd Party Hardware Application Notes
Location: Electronic Support Services and HP’s website.
Audience: Corporate IT and Resellers/Integrators.
Content: Applications notes contain information on the supported and tested
ISA, PCI and PC Cards in each operating system. Each card has an
application note that describes how to configure it in HP OmniBooks.
3rd Party Whole Product Tested List
Location: Electronic Support Services and HP’s website.
Audience: Corporate IT and Resellers/Integrators.
Content: Shows each 3
-party product and whether or not it passed or failed in
each operating system on each OmniBook.