Installing the System
Console Setup
Chapter 3
For example:
arp -s 00-00-0c-07-ac-00
Step 6. At the DOS prompt, enter ping followed by the IP address to verify that the iLO MP LAN port is
configured with the appropriate IP address. The destination address is the IP address that is
mapped to the iLO MAC address. Perform this task from the PC that has the ARP table entry.
ping <IP address you assigned to the iLO MAC address>
For example:
Step 7. Connect to the iLO MP LAN using this IP address.
Step 8. Use web or telnet access to connect to the iLO MP from a host on the local subnet and finish setting
up the LAN parameters (gateway and subnet).
Configuring the iLO MP LAN Using the RS-232 Serial Port
The following procedure shows how to configure the iLO MP LAN using the RS-232 serial port.
IMPORTANT Do not configure duplicate IP addresses on different servers within the same network.
Duplicate server IP addresses conflict and the servers cannot connect to the network.
The LC command enables you to configure an IP address, DNS name, subnet mask, and gateway address.
IMPORTANT Ensure you have a console connection through the RS-232 serial port or a network connection
through the LAN to access the iLO MP and use the LC command.
To assign a static IP address using the LC command, follow these steps:
Step 1. Ensure the emulation software device is properly configured. The terminal emulation device runs
software that interfaces with the server. The software emulates console output as it would appear
on an ASCII terminal screen and displays it on a console device screen.
Step 2. To ensure the emulation software is correctly configured, verify the following:
a. Verify that the communication settings are configured as follows:
• 8/none (parity)
• 9600 baud
• None (receive)
•None (transmit)
b. Verify that the terminal type is configured appropriately. Supported terminal types are as