Chapter 4
Booting the Operating System
Booting and Shutting Down HP-UX
Booting HP-UX in Single-User Mode
To boot to HP-UX in single-user mode, follow these steps:
Step 1. At the BCH Main Menu, enter command or menu> bo pri. The following message displays:
Interact with IPL (Y, N, or Cancel)?>
Step 2. To interact with IPL, answer y.
Step 3. At the
ISL> prompt, type hpux -is.
Booting HP-UX in LVM Maintenance Mode
To boot to HP-UX in LVM maintenance mode, follow these steps:
Step 1. At the BCH
Main Menu, enter command or menu> bo pri. The following message displays:
Interact with IPL (Y, N, or Cancel)?>
Step 2. To interact with IPL, answer y.
Step 3. At the
ISL> prompt, type hpux -lm.
Shutting Down HP-UX
To shut down HP-UX running on a system, use the shutdown command. You have the following options when
shutting down HP-UX:
• To shut down and reboot an HP-UX system, use the shutdown -r command.
• To shut down and halt (power off) an HP-UX system, use the shutdown -h command.
For details, see the shutdown (1M) manpage and follow these steps:
Step 1. From the HP-UX command line, issue the shutdown command to shut down the HP-UX operating
Step 2. Log in to HP-UX running on the system that you want to shut down.
You should log in to the iLO MP for the server and use the
Console menu to access the system
console. Accessing the console through the iLO MP enables you to maintain console access to the
server after HP-UX has shut down.
Step 3. Issue the shutdown command with the appropriate command-line options.
The command-line options you specify dictate the way in which HP-UX shuts down, and whether
the server is rebooted.
Use the following list to choose an HP-UX shutdown option for the server:
• To shut down HP-UX and halt (power off) the server, issue the shutdown -h command.
To reboot a halted server you must power on the server using the PC command at the iLO MP
Command menu.
• To shut down HP-UX and reboot the server, issue the shutdown -r command.