138 SSL1016 Tape Autoloader Reference Guide
Diagnostic Tests
Table 15 lists the diagnostic tests.
Table 15: Diagnostic Tests
Test Description
Halt Cancels any currently running test.
■ Checks the ability of the picker to properly rotate and
■ Verifies that installed magazines function correctly.
■ Verifies picker movement.
■ Verifies magazine movement.
■ Updates inventory.
■ Verifies ability to move cartridge to and from each
magazine element.
■ Verifies drive communication and ability to move a
cartridge to and from the drive.
■ Verifies that a cartridge can be moved to and from the
mail slot.
■ Performs a full picker translation calibration.
■ Performs a full picker rotation calibration.
■ Performs left and right magazine calibration.
■ Verifies successful slot movement.
Inventory Takes a snapshot of the current labels recorded for each
cartridge present, then performs and inventory and compares
the new results to the snapshot.
Drive Read/Write Performs a write of two full tracks of data followed by a read
and if the drive is capable performs a compare on the data.
Verifies the write/read statistics to determine if there is a write
or read problem with the drive.
Caution: Running this test may overwrite existing data on the
tape. Do not use a tape containing current or critical data.